Helm: Shako/130+def
Armor: Tal Rasha's Guardianship -Lacquered Plate(88%MF)
Weapon 1: The Oculus Occy
Weapon 2: 3-5 bo CTA Cs Call To Arms
Shield 1: 100% MF Monarch
Shield 2: Spirit Monarch Shield /(30-34)% FCR
Amulet: Tal Rasha's Adjudication -Amulet(3 Items Tal Rasha Bonus 65%MF)
Rings: 2x 30%mf Nagle rings
Belt: Tal Rasha's Belt
Gloves: Chance Guards Perfect 40 %MF
Boots: War Traveller Boots
1x Gheed/40%mf
10x 7%mf small charms
9x Sorc any Skills Grand Charms you want to get
We can accept some changes if you have other choice