Paladin - Hammerdin Set Up (Basic)

Helm: Shako
Armor: Enigma Mageplate
Weapon 1:  Hoto Oak/30-39res+

Weapon 2: +2-5 Bo CTA CS Call To Arms 
Shield 1: Herald of Zakarum/180%+ed
Shield 2: Spirit  Targe - 25-34FCR
Amulet: Mara's (20-29)
Rings:  2X Sojs
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Gloves: Magefist
Boots: Sandstorm Treks

1x Random Anni
1x Pally Torch


 We can accept some changes if you have other choice

  • Realm: D2r Ladder
  • 261 Units in Stock


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